Sunday, February 25, 2007

I suppose that's right.

Here's an interesting phrase.

You can't have your cake, and eat it, too.

So how does this relate to that part where you're halfway through the cake, and pondering the gains of finishing the cake (is it tasty enough? is it too rich?) versus the saving of cake (or perhaps giving it up to a more hungry companion)? It seems that in that mid-point, you can possibly both have, and eat cake.

Isn't there a law in physics that says that two objects cannot occupy the same point in space? Perhaps cake is the portal to dodging this law. Cake can be both had, and eaten, despite the constant belief to the contrary.

Imagine having two objects in the same point. Literally, two atoms co-existing in the same pinpoint in space. It's a thought we as humans have an awfully hard time visualizing, just like impossibly huge numbers (quadrillions, for example -- visualize a quadrillion of something, go ahead). I think the closest I could come to visualizing that idea would be two colors combining into a new one, like red and yellow into orange -- and even then, isn't orange just yellow and red intermixed so much that our eyes can't differentiate? Or have we gotten to the point where we can create orange, without using an intermediate?

This cinches it. Orange cake must be the biggest conundrum in existence. That said, let's see if we can find a bigger one.

Next question?

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Acubavix said...

That's an interesting thought.

I like orange.

Ian Keith said...


It's a nice color. Very warm, yes.

Anonymous said...

Don't EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER use Castlevania references until you earn the right to. The right to use them, for a horrid, rabid failure such as you, would involve flagellation, fasting, and possible crucifixion. No, you deserve nothing of worth, you gigantic, abysmal waste of life. Go take your dumbass, unfunny references and cram them up your ass so they can meet your head.
You're a hole, a lacking of anything good, and should be ashamed of yourself for all you have done and will do.

Ian Keith said...

That's quite interesting, really. I didn't realize it took a certain set of standards to make references to video games. Gosh, such regulations! Next thing you know, the censors will come after me for having a logo on a shirt, or perhaps speaking any copyrighted material at all. I guess that from now on I'll have to make sure none of my material has ever been written before...except oh by the gods...all the words I've written have been used by other people before! Now I am surely doomed! The authorities will hunt me down and arrest me for use of words.

Anonymous said...


Hey it's a good start. I see your using big words now. Now lets work on your other problems, Ready?

1. You should introduce yourself so that he can know who hates him so and so that everyone else doesn't feel left out.

2. Name calling. It's kinda fun I know. I used to do it.. then I turned nine...

3. You want him to fart, not eat, and get nailed to a cross. Tell me how farting raises your quality, let alone gives you more rights as a person.

4. Your a crucifixion!

5. Seeing that you have taken the time to flame this author (person who writes things) on both of his posts suggests to me that your parents send you to a christian collage, i.e. THEY pay for it. a solution to this problem would be to find a better hobby than annoying people who could passably be acquaintances (a person who is not quite a friend but not an enemy) and not to mention, DO YOUR HOMEWORK.

6. I have to go to work. I have a thing called a "job" to get "money" its more fun than "telling you that your only purpose in life is the sacred art of making your parents hate you as soon as they find out your gay. (provided your gay and my other estimations are true)

Have a goodnight and if your in the same snow storm I'm in I personally hope you fall in a ditch, unharmed of course as wishing physical harm on people is not how a Christian should act.

Ian Keith said...

Well, uh...on that note...uhm...yeah. I'll be over here, eating popcorn and watching you kids go at it. Keep it civil, k?






Anonymous said...

i proved something once but my mother disproved it immediately by saying "then who's fault was it in the first place?"